About Us


Dear Reader,

On the eve of the Silver Jubilee Celebration of Anandodhara – The Stream of Joy (1997 – 2022) we welcome all and express our sincere gratitude for you to be part of this unique experience.

The journey began on 1st March 1997 with a Musical Evening “E Sudhu Gaaner Din” in Sydney, Australia. Many literary, cultural and artistic initiatives ensued, with active participation by interested artists, writers, poets, painters and volunteers from various cross-sections of the society. Printed media Books and Magazine services were established and have been in operation for 25 years with an impeccable track record of regular home delivery supported through a Global Delivery Support Chain. Along with all the activities throughout the Quarter of a Century, Anandodhara – The Stream of Joy blossomed in a Natural, Organic, Spontaneous way to become a Global Cultural HUB of the People, by the People, for the People.

The World has now changed.

Demand for Printed media materials, Books, Magazines, and Periodicals has declined. COVID-19 has impacted every walk of life. International Airlines, Cargo and Freight Services are devastated. We have experienced an unprecedented paradigm shift in lifestyle and realised we are entering a different world.

Anandodhara – The Stream of Joy needed a Transformation to align with changing times and circumstances.

A fresh group of Youngsters, Anandodhara Readers Forum members and Patrons from Australia, India and Bangladesh embraced the Anandodhara Philosophy, Vision, Value System and are working tirelessly in the background over more than a year to conceptualise, design and enable this transformation. Diversification of Products, Services and Digital Globalisation to solve problems for a greater cross-section and make a difference is the motto. Anandodhara Readers Forum members in India started working with Artisans from Rural India and Bangladesh to bring their Heritage and Traditional Art and Merchandise to the World Market through Anandodhara Store – A Global Digital Market place with a different AGENDA. With Anandodhara Store your every handicraft purchase or gift to a loved one will help a Rural Artisan and support many traditional Arts to recover from their path towards extinction.

“DOKRA UTSAB” will be our first Handicraft Virtual Event (FB Live, YouTube live) focussing on Rural Artisans and their Traditional Handcrafted Models, Sculptures with a Heritage of six thousand years or more. We will start our new journey “Phire Chol Maitir Taney” with the blessings of Legendary Writer Sri Sirshendu Mukhopadhyay, a long-time well-wisher and patron of Anandodhara, who has kindly agreed to be the Keynote Speaker on the inauguration of DOKRA UTSAB. We invite you all to actively participate in the new chapter and journey of Anandodhara – The Stream of joy, be part of the solution to a problem and make a difference.

Commerce for Community –
SMG India – Our new Online Market Place is launched and available in INDIA.
Please visit

Special Note –
Anandodhara Store is available only for orders/gifts to delivery addresses in India.
Very soon the service will be available for online orders to addresses in Australia & the Rest of the World.

Thank you for supporting “Anandodhara – The Stream of Joy”.